
Explore Ann Arbor by Foot

Nearly 15% of Ann Arbor residents walk to work. With over 475 miles of sidewalks, 57 lane miles of shared-use paths and over 157 parks, walking to work can be a big stress reducer.

Learn the Basics

Where to Walk

Whether you’re looking for a short, easy walking or a long hike, Ann Arbor is a great walking city. Experience the beauty of the University of Michigan campus or connect with the Border to Border Trail.

Know the Rules

Ann Arbor has unique pedestrian laws. Before you hit the streets, familiarize yourself with walking rules and etiquette. Learn more.

Report a Problem

Notice damaged sidewalks, missing street signs, broken streetlights or trail maintenance issues? Use A2Fixit to report it and help keep our City safe.

Walking Resources & Information

  • Improved Health 
    Just 30 minutes of walking per day can reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and depression.
  • It’s Good for the Economy 
    Walking isn’t just free; it’s good for business. Ann Arbor’s most successful commercial streets have the highest numbers of people walking on them.
  • Meeting People in the Community 
    Walking helps you get familiar with a neighborhood and increases the likelihood of meeting your neighbors.
  • It’s Good for the Environment 
    Walking is emissions free and doesn’t produce greenhouse gases. Trails and sidewalks are also an efficient use of limited land.
  • Improved Performance at Work 
    Walking, as a form of aerobic exercise, improves time and workload management, helping you feel motivated and more prepared to deal with stress.
  • Obey All Traffic Signs and Signals
    Cross the street at marked crosswalks and intersections.
  • Use Pedestrian Pushbuttons
    Always begin crossing the street on the “Walk” signal. If there aren’t any pedestrian crossing lights, wait until it is safe to cross.
  • Look Both Ways Before Crossing
    Always check that the intersection is clear and that drivers and cyclists see you before stepping onto the crosswalk or road. Make eye contact and wait for cars to stop.
  • Watch for Drivers Making Unexpected Moves
    Assume drivers can’t see you. Even cars that appear to be slowing down may not stop. Watch out for trucks and buses backing out of parking spaces and driveways.
  • Stay Visible
    Make yourself visible by wearing bright or reflective clothing. Consider carrying a flashlight or blinking light at night or in the early morning.
  • Share Your Walk
    If you are using a multi-use path for your commute to work, be mindful of other walkers, cyclists and skaters. It is courteous stay to the right to allow others to pass you.

Interested in becoming more involved advocating for pedestrian rights and amenities? Contact the Washtenaw Biking and Walking Coalition.


  • Dress in Layers
    If you haven't walked to work before, it's important to start out your walk with appropriate clothing so that your body can easily acclimate to the weather conditions. As you progress into your walk your body will begin to warm and layering will allow you to shed some clothing to stay comfortable throughout your walk.
  • Bring an Extra Shirt
    If you get really warm when walking, it may be helpful to have a shirt to change into when you get to work. This will vary for some people depending on personal body temperature and how rigorous their walk is.
  • Wear a Fanny Pack or Backpack
    This will allow you to pack any extra items you might have (see above) while keeping your hands free to tuck in your pocket or swing freely for better circulation and calorie burning.
  • Bring Along Your Favorite Music or Podcasts
    Your walk to work is a great time to listen to a podcast or just enjoy your favorite music. Be sure to keep the volume at a level where you can hear what is going on around you.
  • Don't Forget Your Feet!
    Make sure you have a comfortable pair of shoes. Never underestimate the value of good and appropriate footwear. If you don't own a good pair of walking shoes or boots, invest in a pair to make your walk to work comfortable and safe. Several downtown Ann Arbor shoe stores sell great walking shoes and boots.
  • Lighten Your Load
    Be wise in packing your bags or briefcase. Leaving things at work the night before will make your walk easier. Also consider leaving your dress shoes at work. That way you arrive at work in your walking boots or shoes and can slip into your work shoes for the day.
  • Purchase a Step Tracker or Pedometer
    Track your steps and set goals for your walking. A tracker or pedometer can track your miles and the number of steps you take during the day. It will record your walk to and from work but can also help you track your trips during the day. It's fun and easy to see how the added flight of stairs adds to your walking total.
  • Plan Ahead
    Try your route on the weekend so you can gauge how long it will take you. You won't have to hurry and will become familiar with your route. Use Google Maps - it can show you a route and tell you how long the walk will take you.